We are ‘RAW LIFE’ and we are not medically qualified nor do we offer any advice to cure or treat medical conditions. We make unpasteurised cold pressed juice and we provide general advice about juice cleanses and clean eating. We do not provide medical advice so please do not ask us, consult your medial practitioner if you have any questions about doing a juice cleanse. Our products have not been pasteurised and although every precaution is taken there may be harmful bacteria in juice that can cause serious illness in children, the elderly, pregnant or breastfeeding women and people with a weakened immune system. Information provided by us RAW LIFE is from tried and tested in-house recipes but the information must not be used as an alternative to any medical advice from your Doctor or medical practitioner or other professional healthcare provider. We are not qualified to answer medical questions so suggest you go to your medical practitioner or Doctor prior to commencing a cleanse with any questions you may have about your health. If you think you may be suffering from any medical condition you should seek immediate medical attention from a healthcare professional and prior to ordering any juice or commencing any cleanse programs with RAW LIFE. Individuals with serious illness should consult their Doctor prior to fasting. Individuals using prescription medication should consult their medical practitioner before doing a juice cleanse.

A juice cleanse enables a fast from processed and cooked foods with the inclusion of nutrient rich cold pressed juice. Pregnant and breastfeeding women and individuals using prescription medication should consult their medical practitioner and should not cleanse. You should never delay seeking medical advice or disregard any medical advice because of information provided to you by RAW LIFE.

Whilst cleansing, don’t over do any exercise, listen to your body as your body may be operating under slightly different circumstances.

We operate out of a factory that handles nuts and legumes such as almonds and cashews and although we are extremely careful with our produce and machinery there is a chance cross contamination could occur as we are within the same facility. If you are very sensitive to nuts please use extreme caution.

Nothing in this medical disclaimer will limit any of our liabilities in any way that is not permitted under applicable law, or exclude any of our liabilities that may not be excluded under applicable law.